Here you will find the most recent services,
beginning July 1, 2021.
All previous videos can be accessed on the YouTube channel. (See Home Page for link)

Go to the Care and Prayer page of this website to see all the resources that have been shared during this series.

Lenten Message Series
Jesus taught us to focus on loving God and loving our neighbor by being a blessing everywhere we go. B.L.E.S.S. is all about loving God and learning, over time, to nurture a lifestyle of loving and blessing others. Anyone can be a B.L.E.S.S.ing so in this message series we will look at five practical ways we can all join God’s mission and build relationships, bless our neighbors, and show the love of Jesus.
You are blessed to be a blessing so let’s go!
The Struggle Is Real
We all have them. Our struggles are real.
But maybe as we begin a new year, there is a new thing that God wants us to learn – how to think about, how to deal with and how to overcome some of the real struggles we face. To help us, we will be turning to a familiar scripture passage, Psalm 23. (January 9 through February 13, 2022)
Worry, Discontentment, Busyness, Decisions, Dark Days, Hope for the Future
Click on the first image below to watch the series on YouTube.
January 2, 2022

December 26, 2021

During this message series we looked at some of our favorite Christmas movies, the important themes of Jesus' birth in them, and the difference it makes in our lives. (November 28 through December 24)
Christmas Vacation, A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Home Alone and Elf
Click on the image below to watch the series on YouTube. There is no recording of the December 24 service.
(October 31 through November 21)
When it comes to keeping your relationship with God up-to-date,
many people struggle. There are dry spells. We feel distant or unsure
if we are really walking with God.
In this series, Pastor Robert explores a few ancient practices that
can help 21st century Christ followers keep their relationship with Jesus current. These practices are explained in scripture,
began with the first disciples, and never go out of style.
These RETRO practices can teach us a way of living with God
that will build in us a mature faith that never goes out of style.
Worship - Altars - Fasting - Tithing
Click on the image below to watch the series on YouTube.
The Life of Jesus as told in the Book of Mark:
Jesus: The Man, The Message, The Mission.
In this series, Pastor Robert discusses Jesus' Baptism, Jesus' Message, Jesus' Work, Jesus' Disciples, Jesus' Teachings and Jesus' Enemies. (September 19 through October 24) Click on the image below to watch the series on YouTube.
You know what passwords are, right? You need them to gain access to lots of things these days. But how about God? How do we gain access to God? How do we gain access to a spiritual adventure with God? For Jesus, it was prayer. Prayer is one of the vital passwords we need to go deeper in this adventure with God, and Jesus taught us how to pray. In this message series, Pastor Robert shares the 'Passwords" of the Lord's Prayer (August 8 through September 12). Click on the image below to watch the series on YouTube.
Lessons From the Farm
In this message series (July 4 through August 1), Pastor Robert shared the lessons he learned growing up on a farm in northwest Missouri. Through these lessons, we discovered the keys to developing a vibrant, growing relationship with God.
Click tthe image below to watch the series on YouTube.