A Life-Long Faith
Journey Starts Here
PCUMC's children's ministry provides a fun, safe and nurturing environment where children can experience the love of God. A strong foundation for a lifetime of faith is cultivated through engaging programs on Sunday mornings, Tuesday afternoons, and special family activities throughout the year.
Volunteers for all Children's programs are Safe Gatherings Certified.
To learn more about specific children's programs, please email Delinda Rhyne, Children & Family Ministry Coordinator.
The Nursery offers a welcoming environment for children ages infant to 4 years. Safe Gathering-trained staff provide free, supervised childcare during Sunday morning service.
Children's Church
Sunday School classes are for Pre-K through 5th Grade.
Students gather for Children's Time during the 10 am Worship Service.
The September unit is “David on the Run”, from the books of 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel.
Week 1 (09/01), Family Worship - No Children's Church (Nursery Open)
Week 2 (09/08), David Plays the Harp for Saul
Week 3 (09/15), Saul is Jealous of David
Week 4 (09/22), David Doesn't Hurt Saul . . . Twice
Week 5 (09/29), David is Kind to Mephibosheth
The September Memory Verse is from our Bible Buddy, Miley, the Roadrunner:
“Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone.”
~ Psalm 33:22
LIFT is a weekly after school program for students in Kindergarten through fifth grade from 4 to 5:30 pm every Tuesday school is in session. Register your child now for the 2024-25 school year, beginning September 10. Classes and transportation seats are already filling up.
Contact Delinda for more information or to register your child.